Mount Zion Methodist Chapel, Halifax Graveyard Search Results
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Grave Os19 I found 6 record(s) corresponding to this search |
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In Memoriam STANSFIELD son of JOHN STANSFIELD & HANNAH BATES of HALIFAX who died July 6th 1836 aged 2 years & 9 months Also FRANCES their daughter who died October 31st 1846 aged 4 years & 6 months Also ELIZABETH their daughter who died May 5th 1854 aged 12 years & 8 months "Lovely innocents farewell All our smiling hopes are o'er Form'd in person to excell. These we call our own no more Death hath snatch'd them from our arms Heaven hath given them brighter charms." Also the above HANNAH BATES who died May 10th 1871 aged 56 years & 10 months A joint expression of conjugal and filial affection from her bereaved husband & children Requiescat in Pace Also of SAMUEL their son of the FLEECE INN HALIFAX & late of the 3rd Dragoon Guards born Oct 9th 1835 did August 26th 1874 |
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Grave Os19 I found 6 record(s) corresponding to this search |
This Website is indebted to the Calderdale Family History Society for all of the burial information contained in the middle and south sections. The actual burial records have not as yet been found, so only those graves whose inscriptions can be read are included in the database. There are several thousand more burials in this section, but as yet we do not have the information. Details of this can be found on their website or email their Search Coordinator at