Mount Zion Graveyard Search Results
You asked for: Grave NNm14
I found 2 record(s) corresponding to this search
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Photo of Grave NNm14
This stone
was erected by
public subscription
affectionate remembrance of
who died in the adjoining
CHAPEL HOUSE March 26th 1892
aged 79 years

For over 40 years
he was Chapel Keeper & Sexton

As teacher, class leader, sick visitor
and Society Steward for 20 years
he faithfully served the Lord

By his quaint sayings, striking
originality, sterling piety &
unwavering zeal he endeared
himself to all who knew him .

"Lord now lettest Thou thy servant
depart in peace for mine eyes have
seen Thy salvation "

Also in Loving Memory of his wife
who died June 23rd 1882 aged 69 years.

She did what she could??????????

See the menu link to Simeon Priestley
Hannah  Priestley
Burial Year: 1882 Age: 69 Grave: NNm14 - Middle Section
Notes: See the menu link to Simeon Priestley 
Relationship(s): Minister:
Simeon  Priestley
Burial Year: 1892 Age: 79 Grave: NNm14 - Middle Section
MZ Chapel House Notes: See the menu link to Simeon Priestley 
Relationship(s): Minister:
You asked for: Grave NNm14
I found 2 record(s) corresponding to this search

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This Website is indebted to the Calderdale Family History Society for all of the burial information contained in the middle and south sections. The actual burial records have not as yet been found, so only those graves whose inscriptions can be read are included in the database. There are several thousand more burials in this section, but as yet we do not have the information. Details of this can be found on their website or email their Search Coordinator at

© Copyright 2002-2024: Clive Lumb, Anthony Greenwood and Samuel Townsend