Mount Zion Graveyard Search Results
You asked for: Grave Hs29
I found 4 record(s) corresponding to this search
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Photo of Grave Hs29
Stone table
to the Memory of JOHN LASSEY
of OVENDENwho departed this
life December 3rd 1838 aged
6 months

"Hail lovely child thy race is quickly run.
Thy sorrows ended when but just begun.
Thy body laid to rest beneath the clod.
Thy souls ascended to the throne of God
To dwell with Jesus in the realms of light
Forever there to walk with him in white."
Alao of ELIZA JANE daughter
of the above named JOSEPH
& MARY LASSEY who departed
this March 18th 1852 aged 4 months

Also an infant.

"These lovely buds so young so fair
Called home by early doom
Just came to show how sweet a flower
In paradise would bloom."
son of the above named JOSEPH
& MARY LASSEY who departed
this life February 18th 1855 aged 16

Also of MARTHA ANN daughter
of the above who departed this life
July 5th 1855 aged 19 years.
John  Lassey
Burial Year: 1838 Age: 6m Grave: Hs29 - South Section
Ovenden Notes:  
Relationship(s): Son of Joseph and Mary Minister:
Eliza Jane  Lassey
Burial Year: 1852 Age: 4m Grave: Hs29 - South Section
Relationship(s): Daughter of Joseph and Mary Minister:
John William  Lassey
Burial Year: 1855 Age: 16m Grave: Hs29 - South Section
Relationship(s): Son of Joseph and Mary Minister:
Martha Ann  Lassey
Burial Year: 1855 Age: 19 Grave: Hs29 - South Section
Relationship(s): Daughter of Joseph and Mary Minister:
You asked for: Grave Hs29
I found 4 record(s) corresponding to this search

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This Website is indebted to the Calderdale Family History Society for all of the burial information contained in the middle and south sections.
The actual burial records have not as yet been found, so only those graves whose inscriptions can be read are included in the database.
There are several thousand more burials in this section, but as yet we do not have the information.
Details of this can be found on their website or email their Search Coordinator at

© Copyright 2002-2024: Clive Lumb, Anthony Greenwood and Samuel Townsend