Mount Zion Graveyard Search Results
You asked for: Grave Hs27
I found 1 record(s) corresponding to this search
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Photo of Grave Hs27
Stone table
of MARGARET the beloved wife
daughter of JONAS & BETTY
FIRTH of BRADSHAW who depar
ted this life Nov 23rd 1850
aged 25 years.

"She droop'd like a flower which is nipp'd in the bud
And she took the repose of the gentle and good.
O she bless'd me and left me, my tears they flow'd on.
For they flood not the beautiful land where shes gone.
Cold cold lies the clay on her mouldering head.
Sweet is the rest of the innocent dead.
And the love which I bore her shall live in my breast
Till I meet her again in the realm of the blest."
On table support by path. Let sickness blast, let death devour,

If heaven must recompense our pains;

Perish the grass and fade the flower,

If firm the word of God remains.

Support at far side Therefore be ye also ready for in
such an hour as ye think not the
Son of man cometh
Margaret  Wilcock
Burial Year: 1850 Age: 25 Grave: Hs27 - South Section
Leeds Notes:  
Relationship(s): Wife of Wm Wilcock.Daughter of Jonas and Bett Minister:
You asked for: Grave Hs27
I found 1 record(s) corresponding to this search

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This Website is indebted to the Calderdale Family History Society for all of the burial information contained in the middle and south sections.
The actual burial records have not as yet been found, so only those graves whose inscriptions can be read are included in the database.
There are several thousand more burials in this section, but as yet we do not have the information.
Details of this can be found on their website or email their Search Coordinator at

© Copyright 2002-2024: Clive Lumb, Anthony Greenwood and Samuel Townsend