Mount Zion Methodist Chapel, Halifax Graveyard Search Results
You asked for: Grave Es14
I found 5 record(s) corresponding to this search
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The search returned more than 1 grave, or...
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We will be reviewing the photographs from time to time to see where
relatives have cleared the graves to make a photo possible
to the
Memory of THOMAS, son of JOHN
LANE, OVENDEN who departed this
life August 17th 1833 aged 2 years
and 8 months
Also JOHN their son who departed
this life on the 27th day of February
1867 aged 9 years.

'Short was my stay in this vain world
And sudden was my death

One moment working with my hands
The next lost my breath.'

Also JOHN SLATER husband of the
above who died February the 27th 1869 aged 67 years.

'Farewell dear wife and children dear
I can no longer stay

The Lord has called me & I must obey.'

Also of the above mentioned
HANNAH SLATER who died Jan
15th 1882 in her 79th year

Also ALICE SOPHIA, daughter of
and gran-
daughter of the above
who died March 15th 1871
in her 9th year.
'Death very little warning gave
But quickly called me to the grave

Hasten to Christ without delay
For no-one knows their dying day.'
Thomas  Slater
Burial Year: 1833 Age: 2 Grave: Es14 - South Section
Relationship(s): Son of John and Hannah Minister:
John  Slater
Burial Year: 1867 Age: 9 Grave: Es14 - South Section
Relationship(s): Son of John and Hannah Minister:
John  Slater
Burial Year: 1869 Age: 67 Grave: Es14 - South Section
Relationship(s): Father Minister:
Alice Sophia  Slater
Burial Year: 1871 Age: 9 Grave: Es14 - South Section
Relationship(s): Daughter of James and Susy. Granddaughter of Minister:
Hannah  Slater
Burial Year: 1882 Age: 78 Grave: Es14 - South Section
Relationship(s): Minister:
You asked for: Grave Es14
I found 5 record(s) corresponding to this search

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This Website is indebted to the Calderdale Family History Society for all of the burial information contained in the middle and south sections. The actual burial records have not as yet been found, so only those graves whose inscriptions can be read are included in the database. There are several thousand more burials in this section, but as yet we do not have the information. Details of this can be found on their website or email their Search Coordinator at

© Copyright 2002-2024: Clive Lumb, Anthony Greenwood and Samuel Townsend